2NE1 gathered together to celebrate CL’s birthday

25 Feb

The members of 2NE1 gathered together to celebrate CL’s birthday a day early.

On February 25th, Minzy uploaded a series of photos from CL’s birthday celebration. She narrated the events through the photos saying,

Kyaa~ all of 2NE1 has gathered~!!!!! keke Although CL-unni’s birthday is tomorrow, we all gathered to eat delicious food together~~#^^# CL-unni said she was going to pay today~ keke live broadcast!! Please anticipate the work of writer Ggong (Minzy) and Reporter Ssan (Dara)!

The four of us~^_^ Click keke

Dara-unni~ Violent service!!! keke Cutting food!!

After delivering presents~ From being a trainee to a singer, 2nd time sharing a hug!! keke

Cotton swab girl kekeke

Did girl holding a flower & cake keke

Pushed the small-faced Dara-unni to the front ke!!

Happy Birthday CL!

Check out the photos below!

Source: Star News via Nate & (@mingkki21)

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