[FANFIC]Butler’s Love Taemin&Hyuna Chapter 11-12

25 Feb

Chapter 11 :: New Teacher

Chapter 11 :: New Teacher - main story image

Hyuna’s POV

We are in a safe place for the next days. We decided to go to school today.

“Taemin-a! You are so slow! Are you the girl, here?” I shouted as I looked at the clock. 15 minutes before bell rang.

“Yes! wait! Ouch” Taemin run from upstair and almost fell. This boy…tsk…

“Be more careful, taemin-a…” Then I opened the front door without realising his smile.

She becomes softer nowadays , Taemin thought.

We go with the car, still. But my father put a bullet proof window now. He’s become over-protective now. But that’s mean he care for me.

“Huff, so many things to catch up.” taemin said.

“Like you ever care about school stuffs!” I put my bag beside me. I’m correct,right?

Taemin’s POV

“I DO care about it” I looked at her through the rear mirror as I sit in front and she take the back seat.

“Really? I don’t believe you” She replied. Geez… I do care. Well, not until going crazy over studies,though. This butler thing is crazier.

We haven’t meet Jonghun for days now. Wonder where he is…

We arrived at school on time. People are still gossiping bout us. We are labelled as ‘HOT GOSSIP’ now.

We sat quite far apart, but I always take a glance at her just to check if she is okay. That bullet an poisoned tea had scared me enough to take a good care of her MORE.

Now is the second period before lunch.

The teacher hasn’t come yet. Does this mean FREE CLASS? wooo, I love it.

But as soon as I have that thinking, someone familiar comes in.

“Good morning,class” He said. This guy has white skin, black hair, quite tall and a familiar face.

“My name is Choi Jonghun. I’m replacing your maths teacher whose taking her holiday now” he smiled.

As soon as he smiled, the girls’ face becomes bright like if they are told “hi, I’m Choi Jonghun, I’ll be your boyfriend now”

Except, You know who, Hyuna. Her face is as surprised as mine.

She’s so speechless. The girls would think she has fallen for this new teacher also. Well, she IS.


The bell has rang, two periods full of numbers (I’m losing from hyung again, he’s so good in maths.).

“Hm… Lee Taemin, can you take this note books to my table in the teacher’s room?” I get the meaning of this sentence. “I need to talk to you” that’s the meaning.

Hyuna who also realise this, surprisingly for the class, said, “I’ll help you” and take half of the books. The girls start to gossip again, the boys teased us.

But we don’t care.

“Why. Are. You. Here.?.” finally, the only question that have been in my mind like the whole periods comes out.

“SSSHHH!” Jonghun puts his finger over his lips. “This is for…. Hyuna” he took a glance at Hyuna who was standing just beside me. She blushed. Again.

“We need to make sure she’s safe in school also. So I’m here” He explained.

“How do you even get here? I mean, how do you become a maths teacher?” Hyuna asked.

Jonghun stayed quiet for awhile. Until he mumbled,”ah, em, ah… I knew the teacher and the teacher recommended me to the Principal. So … now I’m here” he explained.

“How do you know the teach…” I haven’t finished my words when Hyuna stepped on my feet.

“I think we are hungry. We need to go” we excuse ourself and then went to the canteen.

“Do you have ANY sense?” her words punch me.

“What?! Of course I have!” I replied.

“That girl he meant, I think he meant his girlfriend. I ever saw him with a girl on the street before….”

Her sad face… I don’t wanna see her sad face… Again.

Chapter 12 :: Look At Me

“Look At Me”

Taemin’s POV

That day when we went home, Jonghun Hyung was not there. I don’t know why. I learned many things today though :

1. Jonghun hyung is good at maths.

2. Jonghun Hyung can melt any girls’ heart

3. Hyuna has feelings

4. My heart hurts when Hyuna looks sad.

And I can’t understand the last one. Why should I feel hurt when she is the one who’s sad?

I throw my self to the sofa in the living room. And found something at the table in front of it. I was taking a bath, And Hyuna’s parents were doing some grocery shopping (This is sooo surprising me. C’mon! they’re sooo rich!)

What’s this? Ah, photo album.

“Hyuna & Jonghun” That’s what written on the black elegant cover. geez, why Hyuna and Jonghun again?!

I opened the photo album.

The first photo was a photo when Hyuna and Jonghun still little kids. They can be seen playing in the garden. Hyuna doesn’t have her mean face here. It’s like, pure innocent.

The second one, Hyuna’s 12th Birthday, Jonghun were just right beside her.

And there were lots of photos of him and Jonghun. I opened page by page quickly. Feeling so mad, I don’t know why.

“Taemin-a~!” Hyuna ran toward me from the 2nd floor. “don’t see!” he take the photo album from me.

“I saw it already” I said the truth. Why do she really care about that, anyway? because Jonghun is there?

She chuckled. “Why do you look like if you’re mad after seeing this?Jealous?” She teased me.

“N…no! What for?” I defended myself.

She smiled. Another innocent smile that I can see from her.

“Then… ” she stopped for awhile. “Let’s make our own photo album.”

It was not an awkward situation, it was a great one. She smiled. While holding the photo album in one hand.

But that oh-so-great situation was disturbed by my phone’s and her phone’s ringtone. great.

“Hello?!” we said as soon we pick up the call.

For my call, it was the annoying girl, Gyuri.

“What?” I said as soon as I realised it was her. “Oppa~” she annoyingly said. “How are you?”

“Bad. Because you called me.”

“Waeyo? I’m happy to call you. Why you’re sad?”

I stayed quiet and did not answer her.

“Anyway Oppa, I’m… not angry if you become a butler of that mean heartless girl. Because I’ll help you to hget out of her house!” she exclaimed.

“What?” I asked her in disbelief. Who are YOU anyway?

“So, Oppa. I’ll help you to get out of that house. I know you’re suffering now. She must be ordering you for weird things,right? Like making a huge cake and told you to eat ot by yourself? The gossip had spread anyway. No need to hide it.” confidently she said that.

Okay, her imagination is… Just too high. seriously.

I agree I’m suffering at first. But now I started to enjoy this. And, she did not order me to do weird things like what she just said.

I looked at Hyuna who’s also speaking to someone. I know she’s not Jonghun as she is still saying things like, “Uh, Babo! Of course no~” but she looks happy.

Who’s that?! My mood suddenly dropped.

“Talk to you later” Then I ended the call.

As well as Hyuna as she said “bye” to someone out there.

“Who’s that?” I asked her.

She looked at me like if I was asking something weird.

“Minhwan. Why your face becomes like that?” She chuckled. “Who’s that? Someone make you mad?”

“Gyuri.” I answered. half of them were Gyuri’s fault, but the other half is your fault, Hyuna. Making me in such bad mood.

“Taemin-a… I’m hungry” She put her hands on her stomach.

Well… me too. But no one at home. The maid is not counted.

“Hm…Taemin-a, then you go cook for me.” She ordered me.

and, come that mean Hyuna. Again.

“Huff” I let a sigh, but still stood up and walked toward the kitchen.

Let me show her some cooking skills I have.

Hyuna looked at me for awhile. “Don’t put that kind of face. Let me help you then.”

She also stood up and walked toward me. She took something from the fridge and take out some ingredients available.

“Hm…what should we make, anyway? We have chicken, some tomatoes, eggs…” she showed me what she just found.

“I don’t expect anything hard from you. The maid here can’t cook. Jonghun Oppa is not here.” Geez! Jonghun, Jonghun and Jonghun.

“What?! I have some skills! I’ll show you~”

But actually, I don’t even know what to cook.

“Really?” she put a “Oh,yeah. You can actually cook? Show me then” face.

Narrator’s POV

Some times later, The kitchen was a big mess. But They don’t care bout it. What they have is FUN.

They really have fun. They were laughing so hard that they actually hurt their stomach.

They don’t even know that Hyuna’s parents were back home.

“Hyuna… where are…” she stopped as she found both Hyuna and Taemin and the big mess in the kitchen.

She was smiling when she saw Hyuna’s laughing. Hyuna doesn’t even know that her mom was there. Her mother stood in front of the open kitchen.

“Having fun?” She asked her only daughter and her butler.

Both Taemin and Hyuna stopped whatever they were doing. Whether it was Throwing the flour or trying to hit  on each other.

“Oh, Umma! You’re home.” Hyuna ran toward her mother. Taemin did the same thing also. He bow a little and said “Welcome home, Miss Kim”

What a great manner he had now. Less than a month training in this house, and he has such a good manner.

Hyuna seems happy to be with him. But, Hyuna…how about your fiancee, Jonghun? her mother thought.


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One Response to “[FANFIC]Butler’s Love Taemin&Hyuna Chapter 11-12”

  1. bluecoow April 3, 2011 at 12:15 PM #

    well, Jonghun is her fiance???! DANG! i regret it i didn’t read this earlier kekeke~
    Celli….actually, you CHANGE me!! you know right? i ever told you? i don’t read FF is there is no Seunghyun in it, and i will just say GOOD, to FF with Seunghyun in it (even the story is so so)
    but DANG! this KID, makes me wanna say…GREAT STORY!!!! lol

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