[Cyworld] 110411 Minhwan

12 Apr

2011.04.11 월 18:00
ㅜㅜ….방금 사랑니를 뽑고 왔다…
어제 저녁 10시경에 어금니에 음식물이 낀줄알고
막 뒤죽뒤죽 거리다가 새벽 2시경에 너무 아파서
오늘 치과를 갔는데 사랑니라고….흐잉…
언젠간 이런날이 올줄알았지만… 사랑니라는걸 알자마자..
수술대에 오르는 느낌이란…ㅜ흑…. 살려주세여!!!!Translation:
11th April 2011, Mon, 6pm
ㅜㅜ…. I’d just extracted my wisdom tooth and came back…
Last night at about 10pm, I thought there was food stuck in my back tooth
Have been tossing and turning until it became very painful at about 2am
I went to the dentist today and they said it was the wisdom tooth…. Hing…
I knew this day would come someday but… the moment I knew that it was the wisdom tooth…
I was up on the operating table and the feeling is…ㅜ urgh…. Save me!!!!

Credit: Minhwan’s Cyworld + ying1005@withtreasures (translation

One Response to “[Cyworld] 110411 Minhwan”


  1. [Cyworld] 110411 Minhwan | megakpop - April 14, 2011

    […] ㅜㅜ…. I’d just extracted my wisdom tooth and came back… Last night at about 10pm, I […] SHINeeTreasures Share Tweet Tags: 110411, Cyworld, Minhwan Bookmark the permalink. Follow any comments […]

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