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[Twitter] 110720 Seunghyun

22 Jul

chungxuan 날씨가무쟈게덥고마이..
Translation: The weather is very hot, extremely..
chungxuan 기타사러갑니다:)
Translation: Off to buy guitar 🙂

Credit: chungxuan (1), chungxuan (2) + ying1005@withtreasures (translation)

[Twitter] 110720 Jaejin

22 Jul

saico011 난 천상 문래동주민 반바지에 쪼리를 신고 연습실에가는 나는야 찌질이
Translation: I’m the greatest Munrae-dong resident. Wearing bermudas and a pair of flip flops, making my way to the studio, I’m such a shabby fellow.
saico011 이노무 날씨를 그냥!
Translation: This horrible weather is just!

Credit: saico011 (1), saico011 (2) + ying1005@withtreasures (translation)

[Ameblo] 110720 Jaejin

22 Jul

ぼくは いま かんこくです!
さいきん ゼップツアが おわってから
すぐ かんこくに きて ぶどかんの らいぶを じゅんびしています~
ぶどかん といゆ ばしょは かみさまが いるんだっと
だから いままで よりも もっと がんばらなきゃ、だめですね!!
でも ぎんちょより きたいを しています~
いままで いちばん おおき ばしょだから
みんなの こえが もっと きこえると おもいます
あAA!! たのしみ!!!!!!!
sdsadasda Continue reading

[Twitter] 110719 Seunghyun

22 Jul

chungxuan 재진이형샴푸몰래써야겠다ㅋㅋ
Translation: I will have to use Jaejinnie-hyung’s shampoo without letting him know, keke!

Credit: chungxuan (1) + ying1005@withtreasures (translation)

[Twitter] 110719 Jaejin

22 Jul

saico011 새로운 샴푸 냄새 너무 마음에 든다
Translation: I like the scent of the new shampoo

Credit: saico011 (1) + ying1005@withtreasures (translation)

[PIC] 110720 EMT Music Academy

22 Jul


Credit to onlyhonggith

[PICS] 110720 FTIsland News Photo Update

22 Jul

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