[ 110731 Twitter ] B2ST’s Junhyung mentions about a Primadonna!

1 Aug

갑자기 생각난건데 중국 싸인회때 프리마돈나분께서 홍기를 잘 부탁한다며 편지를 건내주고 가셨다 ㅋㅋ


오해마세요 하하 편지는 저에게 쓰신거에요


Suddenly thought up of a fanmeeting in China, where a Primadonna said to me “I’m leaving Hongki to you” and gave me a letter and went.
That lucky person.
Don’t misunderstand, that letter was for me. Haha~

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Credits to: http://weibo.com/baiduftislandbar + Junhyung’s Twitter
Translations by: Berry

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