Tag Archives: admin

[HIRING] Twitter Admin and WordPress SHINee Updaters!

28 Jul

Hello all, we are DESPERATELY in need of Twitter admins as weel as SHINee Updaters for our WP!

We are lacking staffs as many of them are on hiatus and we don’t know when will they be back.


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10 Dec


This is a new blog as you can see.

This blog will run with me, 2MinCellia as the main author and the owner.

I appreciate anyone who willing to help me to be an author of this blog.

This blog will be a blog about K-pop.

SHINee, FT Island, CN Blue, B2ST, DBSK, SNSD, T-ara, wha ever group or singer or actor or actress or show it is!

You can also put some Fanfics,news or even funny videos. This is a place for K-pop Lovers.

This place will be like a Town.K-Pop Town

That’s why we have some ‘terms’

Idols- Idols

Fresh! – New

Chef – Authors

And many more to coming soon





Have fun here~!

Don’t forget to comment if you wanna be one of the author~!!

PS : We need some Fanfic writers also ;p LOL


K-Pop Bakery @ SHINee Treasure Town