Tag Archives: fan

SHINee holds a successful fanmeet in Tokyo

30 Jul

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Fan Passed Away Due to Leukimia :(

28 Jan

Aww, how sad it is? I just came back and bringing a sad news for all of you already, fool me! ><

Well, okay, back to the topic.. So, today I just wandering around allkpop again when I found this really sad news.

Before, have you heard about a girl who had a leukimia and she was one of the biggest fan of Big Bang’s Daesung? Well, I will talk about her in this post. Sadly, I have to said that she passed away already today (January 28th 2011).

Okay, for you who didn’t know anything about this girl, I will explained it to all of you.

This girl name JungEun was diagnosed having a leukimia since she was 15 years old. Her dream was to met her bias, Daesung. And last December, Daesung really came to her and visit her! Oh, Daesung, you’re such a kind idol :”)

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SHINee’s Jonghyun answers the question, “When did you get so handsome?”

27 Jan

Talks between SHINee’s Jonghyun and his fans have been heating up the internet.

On a recent online community site, a post titled, “Jonghyun stop using the internet“, appeared. This captured the conversations that were carried out between the idol and his fans on a site where stars and fans can chat over text.

One fan used SBS’s popular TV drama Secret Garden’s line, “When did Kim Jong Hyun get so handsome? Was it since last year?”, to ask the singer a question. Jonghyun answered, “No. I’ve always been handsome”, making him a self-praising star.

Another fan texted, “Since always? I admit it’s true. This is why I fell in love with you”, and Jonghyun replied coolly, “I never told you to fall in love with me“, causing much laughter.

Others commented, “This is so funny. Jonghyun is cute”, “What a friendly idol! Keep talking more to us”, and “Get well soon so that I can see your face! I miss you”.

Witty and fan loving? Is there anything more to love about this already-perfect idol?

Source: TV Daily via Nate Cr : AKP

BEAST : Leading on Fan Club Members

15 Jan

It’s been concluded that measuring the amount of members of idol group fan clubs is fairly difficult. But there are fan clubs whose member numbers keep increasing even as of now. Due to these increasing numbers, there is a separate sector of groups that are leading.

Out of the idol groups, BEAST is the idol whose number of members in their fan club is still holding strong. The number of members in idol group BEAST’s official fan club is attracting attention, because its numbers have increased to over 160,000 members. The number of members increased in number by over 20,000 members during the past months, garnering much interest. Even in the first half of the year, there is some speculation that it’ll surge over 200,000 members.

Of course, among the idol groups, SuperJunior(19,000), 2PM(20,000) and even Big Bang(24,000) are at levels that even some well-off groups can’t beat. But out of all these idol groups, BEAST has jumped the dot late but they have even proved to be a threat in numbers of fan club members. Even after measuring the number of members, this is not an exaggeration.

The netizens have expressed “The number of members in an idol group’s fancafe isn’t as important as the uniqueness featured in each group,” “It won’t be easy to follow the number of members in Big Bang’s fan club,” and “BEAST’s popularity seems to be amazing” and other reactions as well.
