Tag Archives: fanaccount

Fan Account of SHINee’s Replay PV Filming (110427)

28 Apr

One lucky k-shawol was there at the filming
— Minho kept saying “JINKIBUM keep dancing wrong~”

– Atmosphere full of onew sangtae, word gags

– Right after Dubu entered the studio, he bowed to everyone (every single person). He even bowed to the fan right in her face “anneyonghasaeyo~”

– The director kept smiling when Dubu smiled while filming as if he was Dubu’s dad.

– The director called each member’s name for their screen time. When it was for Key, the director made a mistake and called Dubu instead. Key frowned and Dubu danced as if it was his part because he was called. The director said sorry to Key after that, but Dubu was like “I thought it was my part when you called me so I danced better~”
Key was frowning because it was his part and the director was supposed to focus on him but he didn’t.

– When Key heard a dog crying, he said “kkya~~~ too cute~~~” and petted a cat “naviya~(typical name for cats in kr) long time no see~”
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