[Twitter] 110413 Heechul

13 Apr

Heedictator 오래전 어느날.. 미쓰라랑 효림씨랑 홍시랑 용용이랑 밥 먹고.. 한… 컷…

Translation: Some time ago on a particular day.. Having meal with Mithra, Hyorim-ssi, Hongsi and Yongyong.. and took one… shot…

Credit: Heedictator (1) + ying1005@withtreasures (translation)


Did you see Hongki? 😀

One Response to “[Twitter] 110413 Heechul”


  1. [Twitter] 110413 Heechul | megakpop - April 14, 2011

    […] + ying1005@withtreasures (translation) —- Did you see Hongki? Filed under: FT Island, Hongki SHINeeTreasures Share Tweet Tags: 110413, Heechul, twitter Bookmark the permalink. Follow any comments […]

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