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[CAPS] Onew ,Minho MC, Music Core 110423

24 Apr
 Onew ,Minho MC, Music Core 110423

credit: astagged/baidu

[UFO] Jonghyun UFO Replies 110420

24 Apr

Fan: Oppa help me go to work. kekekekekekekekeke

JongHyun: kekekekekekekekekekeke sorry.

Fan: Oppa I’m having a headache!

JongHyun: Eat medicine.

Fan: Oppa my eyes hurts!

JongHyun: ㅠㅠ It hurts? Close your eyes~

Fan: Oppa please send me a reply, even if it’s just a dot!

JongHyun: .

Fan: Jonghyunnie Oopa please reply me too!

JongHyun: ㅇㅇ

Fan: Come with me to Kanttappia Planet? (It’s a planet in the cartoon Dooly the Dinosaur)  Continue reading

[Twitter] 110423 Jaejin

24 Apr

saico011 굿모닝밥 이미 사운드첵끝냇어요

Translation: Good morning Bob! We’re already completed the sound check.

saico011 시아와세노

Translation: Are you happy

Translation: saico011 (1)saico011 (2) + ying1005@withtreasures (translation)

[Twitter] 110423 Hongki

24 Apr

skullhong 수고하셨습니다

Translation: It’ been hard on you guys.

skullhong 오늘 오랜만에 팬들과 만나는날 즐거운시간가져봅시다

Translation: Going to meet our fans today after such a long time. Let’s enjoy!

Credit: skullhong (1)skullhong (2) + ying1005@withtreasures (translation)

[Twitter] 110422 Hongki

24 Apr

skullhong 유타하고있거든 ㅡㅡ 아 안할래 난 했음 분명 받은사람들있을꺼야 확인하든가

Translation: I’m doing UFO replies ㅡㅡ Ah, I don’t want to do it. I’ve done it and I’m sure that there are people who received it. Go check.

skullhong 유타타임

Translation: Time for UFOtown

skullhong 착해지니까좋다….ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ완전열심히해야겠다 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 한상최상아리가토고자이마스^^ 오늘의 추천곡은 be-promise

Translation: Becoming nicer is good…. Kekekekeke! I’ve got to work totally hard, kekekekeke! Han-san & Choi-san, thank you very much ^^ Song recommendation for today is be-promise.

Credit: skullhong (1)skullhong (2)skullhong (3) + ying1005@withtreasures (translation)

[Twitter] 110422 Jaejin

24 Apr

saico011 아~~~쇼킹!

Translation: Ah~~~ Shocking!

Credit: saico011 (1) + ying1005@withtreasures (translation)