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[PICS] 110804 Jonghyun at Sacheon World Percussion Festival Opening Celebration (Part 1)

6 Aug

[MTV] SHINee’s 2nd Japan Single JULIETTE Exclusive Boardcast

6 Aug

[110806 PIC] Shining SHINee!

6 Aug

“Hello! We are Shining SHINee!!”

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Credits to: SHINeeCN @
Shared by: Berry @ SHINeeTreasures

[110806 PIC] Jonghoon @ Love-1 Festival

6 Aug

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Credits to: FT Island @
Shared by: Berry @ SHINeeTreasures

[110806 PIC] A.N Jell NGs

6 Aug

I thought they were so cute in these photos.
LOL at Jeremy’s/Hongki’s face XD

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Credits to: FT Island @
Shared by: Berry @SHINeeTreasures

[VIDEO] 080411 FTIsland @ Future Tracks

6 Aug

Credits : jijotcool @ youtube

[Twitter] 110805 Hongki with Heechul

6 Aug

Note: Read from the bottom
Heedictator 네 알겠습니다 이홍기씨
Translation: Ok. I got it, Lee Hongki-ssi.*
*with reference to their conversation in 110801 MBC Come to Play – Chocoball special episode.

skullhong 이거나밖에안어울려요ㅠㅠㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Translation: It suits no one but me ㅠㅠ, kekekekeke!

Heedictator 나줘. 내꺼 없어졌어
Translation: Give that to me. I lost mine.

skullhong 몰살까몰살까하다 결국…4월달에 봐둔 선그라스샀다 담에 보여주께^^
Translation: Was thinking of what to buy. In the end… I bought a pair of sunglasses which I’ve been eyeing on since April. Show you the next time^^

Credit: skullhong (1), Heedictator (1), skullhong (2), Heedictator (2) + ying1005@withtreasures (translation)