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20 Aug

110820 ‘PLAY! FTISLAND!’ concert has successfully ended! Here’s the songlist! 🙂

1. Hello Hello
2. 널 갖겠다 (I’m Going To Have You
3. 나쁜 여자야 (Bad Woman)
4. 너 올 때까지 (Until You come back)
5. 빙빙빙 (Bing Bing Bing)
6. FT vs PRI
7. 돈키호테의 노래 (Don Quixote Song)
8. Revolution
9. I want
10. Flower Rock
11. Let it go
12. ハルカ (Haruka)
13. Sunshine Girl
14. First Kiss
15. 고백합니다 (I Confess)
16. 신사동 그사람
17. 하지말래요 (Don’t Love)
18. 결혼해줘 (Marry Me)
19. FTIsland
20. Troublemaker
21. Primadonna

1. 사랑 사랑 사랑 (Love Love Love)
2. 사랑앓이 (Love Sick)
3. 바래 (I Hope)

Cre: @withtreasure + @ST_Seunghyun

[ 110819 ] FT Island Practice!

20 Aug

FT Island has been practicing hard for the 20th August! Please look forward to them~

Credits: FT Island @
Shared by: Berry @ SHINeeTreasures

[Twitter] 110819 Hongki

20 Aug

skullhong 상추형 닭가슴살이왔다!!!!ㅋㅋㅋ먹고 형처럼 몸짱이 되볼께요 ㅋㅋㅋ고마워요!!!근데 진짜부드럽네이거
Translation: Sangchu-hyung’s breast meat chicken is here!!!! Kekeke! I’ll try to become a mom-jjang like hyung after eating this, kekeke! Thank you!!! By the way, it’s really tender. Continue reading

[Twitter] 110819 Seunghyun

20 Aug

chungxuan 낼보자규>▽▽<


Credit: chungxuan (1) + ying1005@withtreasures (translation)

[Twitter] 110819 Jaejin

20 Aug

saico011 드디어 내일….
Translation: At last, tomorrow….

saico011 fffffffact

Credit: saico011 (1), saico011 (2) + ying1005@withtreasures (translation)

[PIC] 081911 Wonbin’s CyWorld Update

20 Aug


Credits : Wonbin’s Cyworld + FTNunita21

[PICS] Hongki Clothes Endorsement (PLEIN)

20 Aug

sdasdsda Continue reading

[PICS] Jaejin Clothes Endorsement (Obelisk)

20 Aug

asadasdsd Continue reading