Tag Archives: funny

[INTERVIEW] FT Island, Color Magazine Issue 193

26 Mar

Debut for four years already, had chosen to debut with “instruments” instead of dance to show off their abilities in music. Slowly, they were accepted by the people in Asia with their music. Rather than being called “Idol”, there have a stronger determination to grow, and they want to have cheers from the crowd as a band!

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3 Mar

What did you do on Chuseok Festival?
Hongki: Went to Japan, started filming MV at 4am and did recording on the 2nd day till night.
Minhwan: Even the Chuseok’s break was spent in Japan.
Jonghun: We were eating bentos when others were eating songpyeon (rice cake).
Hongki: Isn’t it fortunate that we ate bentos instead of rice balls?

What about last year?
Minhwan: Last year? We were resting on Chuseok last year.
Jaejin: Resting?
Minhwan: There was one week of break.
Jaejin: We didn’t have much rest last year right? Our mothers didn’t come right? Continue reading